Pine Springs Camp would not be successful in accomplishing our camp mission of "providing campers with a vital encounter with Christ" without the support and partnership of a wide variety of churches. To assist churches in sharing what is happening at Pine Springs Camp, we have created this Church Resources page. On this page you will find helpful publicity information for our Fall and Winter Retreats as well as information about our Summer Camp Programs. Please feel free to make copies and distribute the information on this page as you see fit. If you have specific needs for your church, please contact the Pine Springs Camp office at (814) 629-9834.
2023 PSC Events:
Winter Remix- Jr. and Sr. High Retreat
February 10th-12th
Women in the Woods
March 31st-April 2nd
Fusion- 4th to 6th Grade Retreat
April 21st-23rd
PSC Red-Up Day (PSC Work Day) - May 13, 2023
* 2023 PSC Red-Up Day Poster and Bulletin
PSC Scholarship Golf Outing - May 22, 2023
* 2023 PSC Scholarship Golf Outing Save the Date
Mission Ex 2023- Jr. High Missions Experience
June 25-30th